Getting personal loans in Canada shouldn’t require jumping through hoops. A simple application process that allows for same day funding.
Month: March 2021

Why get a payday loan with really high interest rates when you can get a personal loan? Getting a personal loan is just as convenient, just as easy.

LoanConnect enables consumers to access finances whenever and from wherever they want through our network of lenders.

Though it may seem counterproductive to use a loan to pay down debt, doing so has numerous benefits. Learn more here.

You can get a loan with bad credit! Take these steps to get fair terms on the loan you need to meet your goals.

You may be tempted to close unused credit card accounts, but doing so may do your financial reputation more harm than good.

Not all debt is created equal. Learn the differences between good and bad debt and how good debt can turn against you.

Does paying off my debt in full improves my credit score? Credit utilization is a major influencing factor when it comes to your credit score.

You don’t have to wait 7 years to boost your credit. Take measures to improve your credit today and see results within 1 month.

Wealth does not directly impact your credit score. Rather, your score depends on how you manage your debt and finances.